Earlier this year, I posted my con plan. This past weekend was Ratha Con in Athens, Ohio. Though it was small, I met some great people, including Kelci Crawford, Kit Bradley, and Dustin C. Parker. Check out their work. That’s a demand, not a suggestion.

If you missed me at Ratha Con, here are some places you can find me in the next few months:

  • Balticon – Baltimore, MD – May 26-29 – Artist’s Alley. Panelist.
  • Sci-Fi Valley Con – Altoona, PA – June 9-11 – Artist’s Alley.
  • San Diego Comic Con – San Diego, CA – July 19-23 – Art Show.
  • WV Pop Con – Morgantown, WV – August 26-27 – Artist’s Alley.
  • Imaginarium – Louisville, KY – October 6-8 – Panelist.

Aside from the cons, I’m not doing much right now but editing The Bedazzlers. It’s a parody that takes the piss out of superhero team-ups. I have nothing cool to share, except this:

Yeah, that’s pretty cool. It’s the mockup print cover I’m working on with my lovely artist Valentina Sannais. I’m really looking forward to releasing this one in September.
