Time Purge: A Five-Year Retrospective

As I did with Time Binge, I recently took the time to re-read my second book, which just turned five years old. Here’s what I discovered: I love this book. When people ask me which book is my favorite, Time Purge is my answer. I find that it strikes just the...

Time Binge: A Five-Year Retrospective

Somehow, it’s been just over five years since I published my first book. In what might be evidence of narcissism, I went back and did a thorough re-read. Here’s what I learned. I still like my jokes. The Prologue was totally unnecessary, and Chapter 1 was...

The Great Recovering

Maybe you’ve noticed. Maybe you haven’t. You probably haven’t. I’m probably writing this post for no one… I’ve updated all of my book covers.  Why? For a few reasons: The Brooks & Smith series wasn’t originally a series,...

New Stuff Available and Coming Soon

Now Available You can now order Fun Times in a Dystopic Hellscape in several formats. Click to Buy: Amazon Kindle | Paperback | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books Works in Progress I have several books in progress, because it’s always a good idea to work on...